The M14 is the big F-You to FN Herstal and the FAL. At it’s core, it’s more or less just an Auto-fire capable M1 Garand that feeds from external mags instead of en-block clips, for better or worse. Of the “Big 3” .308 battle rifles of the era, the M14 is the most cumbersome, but like it’s parent design, is a nail-driver. It was so good at it that it well outlived it’s immediate successor (the original M16) in US Armed force usage. The latest iteration, the Mk14 EBR/M39 EMR platforms though, likely signal the end of it’s life, as the adoption of those was primarily decided due to an abundance of mothballed M14s and a distinct lack of 7.62 NATO effectiveness in the current arid conflicts, and M110s and Mk11s were in short supply.
Pack Contents
- 6 M14 rifles
- Period-accurate optics
Related Info
Community Base Addons for Arma 3
- Re-integrated closure noises to gunshots
- Corrected MagSwitch defines in hlc_rifle_M14dmr_Rail
- Implemented GripsSwitch functionality – All correct weapons accept and function with respective Gripswitch Functionality
- Implemented ACE Advanced Ballistics ACE_railHeightAboveBore on weapons
- CBA Scripted Optics implemented on 2D Optic Attachments:
- Leupold M3A(hlc_optic_LRT_m14)
- Implemented ACE Advanced Ballistics HeightAboveRail values on all optics.
- Implemented New Gunshot soundshaders (Credit:LordJarhead)
- all ContextProne changed to use NIA_handsWeapon_context_Toadie (reduces Context prone clipping)
- Unified and Standardised all mass values (Weight divided by the mass coef equals ACE-approved kilograms)
- IconOverlays in the Gear menu Disabled on all weapons.
- Changed the Supply Crate to a labelled NIArms Branded Variant
- AI Firemodes cleaned up, more functional, less lines.
- Implemented XML Stringtables
- Japanese Language String Translation (Credit: ClassicArma)
- French Language String Translation (Credit: StalkerSoC)
- Implemented MagzineWells, Compatible with JAM
- Implemented RHS Grip support to Applicable weapons
- Implemented Magazine Proxies
- Implemented Charms
- Corrected minor sight alignment issue with M14s
- Added additional X14 magazines
- All instances of the Harris Bipods replaces with newer Assets
- LR/T scope replaced with M3A.
- Where applicable replaced BIS default scope mount with Brookefield (mesh by pete, tex by Millennia … 10+years ago)
- AR-TEL scoep reticles refactored and are 100% accurate to real life scale and function (if you want the rangefinder deets, go google them)
- Soundshader Volume Relevelling
- Weapons use new Muzzleflashes.
- Weapon inventory icons now use New system
- all mass values recalculated to unified standard.
- added ZF95 and VOMZ dedicated M14 scopes
- Support to magswitch function on all Weapons
- Soundshader/Soundset changes:
- Occlusion and Obstruction issues fixed (Gunshots no longer occluded by an A4 sheet held to face)
- Midrange Gunshots tweaked
- Tail volumes improved
- Minor sound volume tweaks across the board
- General AI Behaviour improvements.
- JR tweaks & cleanups for M14 pack (Credit: Robalo)
- Add opticType param to M14 optics (Credit: Robalo)
- Add M14 weaponholders(Credit: Robalo)
- Sound Volume tweaks on M14 soundshaders
- Material fresnel adjustments
- Added hidden selections to all models (see classes for more details)
- hlc_optic_LRT_m14 now defaults 500m zero (was 200)
- isplaynames truncated – now use generic adoption models instead of Manufacturers
- Inertia,dexterity and dispersion variances implemented
- Added:
hlc_rifle_M21_Rail (M21 with scope rail)
hlc_rifle_M14dmr_Rail (M14DMR with scope rail)
hlc_rifle_M14_Bipod_Rail (M14 with scope rail,bipod) - Added Additional weaponholders
- Revamped Soundshader Samples (Credit: navaro)
M14-PVS4 config correction (#51) -M14 was referencing pvs4-daysight located in hlc_wp_g3 instead of mesh
located in hlc_wp_m14, creating uneccessary dependacy. (Credit: bryan.boru)
- Conformed mod icons,mod.cpp to rebranding
- Soundshaders implemented, minor discretionary sound tweaks
- Arsenal Icons implemented
- Removed duplicate inventory slots. Adheres the CBA/ASDG standard almost entirely.
- Optional RHS and CUP compatibility patches updated to reflect most current versions respectively
- General Material changes. RVMAT Fresnels altered for better effect, less dependency on generic maps.
- Leupold Mk.4 LR/T and Redfield AR-TEL now use correct zoom levels (4-10x and 3-9x respectively)
- Removed-
- The U from Armoury.
- magazineReloadSwitchPhase added to AWM base class
- made Supplybox “Zeus Discoverable”
- Added Zeus spawnable individual weapons.
- adjustment to the gunshot tails volume, should be less overt.
- RHS Compatibility
- CUP Compatibility
- (RHS and CUP Compat may or may not work together,depending on your mod setup. Source provided if you wish to build your own)
- All weapons made compatible with V1.42 engine update (deploy pivot points added, make limited use of new “tails” sound system where possible)
- Bipod functionality enabled – M21,M14DMR
- Attachable bipod functionality added to – Troy M14 SOPMOD
- Bugfix: LR/T Scope AOTT mode now actually aims over top
- Added : M1913 compatible M14
- Corrected typo in Suppressor inheritance
- Added Mk316 and Barrier ball magazines for M!4
- Altered Inheritance of suppressors.
- Added support to Bipod support for AGM
- Added Bipod Support for CSE
- Added support for Advanced Ballistics mod (by, and with values provided by, Ruthberg, BIG thanks to you for that, mate)
- Slight adjustments to overall AI accuracy (should no longer be able to use the M14/M14 SOPMOD with pinpoint accuracy in full auto)
- Altered Inheritance of suppressors.
- Altered AR-TEL Function – To change zoom/zero you now switch optic mode (default Keypad /). This is in an effort to replicate the real-life function of the scope, where Zoom and Zero move in linked fashion, Vertical marks represent 30 inches at 300m, horizontal are 60.
- M14 Suppressor No longer dampens ballistics or damage
- Added: hlc_20Rnd_762x51_S_M14 Subsonic magazine
- Most RVMATs specular value decresed slightly
- Added New Icon for X-14 magazine
- Added: AN/PVS4 4x Night Optic for M14s
- Made compatible with V1.24 Arma3 Update
Download as Mod – Arma 3
Contributing Authors
Bohemia Interactive – Arma2 Sample resources(Meshes, Sounds, RVMATs, Textures), some script lines. (M14DMR,Bipod, LR/T)
An_aggressive_napkin – M14 mesh
Millenia – M14 Textures
Millenia – AR-TEL Mesh and textures
General Tso,Twinke Masta Johan Santana, Jihad – M14SOPMOD Mesh
Twinke Masta Johan Santana,Pete, Thanez – M14SOPMOD textures, Suppressor Mesh
Toadie – Scripting, configs, all LODs bar primary MLODs, Sounds, Material Ports, Texture Edits
Navaro– Sounds
Clifton Vlodhammer – Animation
Spartan0536 – Ballistics