The Kalashnikov family of rifles have a long-standing legacy in firearms . What started in 1945 as an effort to supplant the Mosin-Nagant in soviet infantry service resulted in one of the most prolific bloodlines of semi/automatic rifles in history. Within this AK pack you’ll find a broad selection from the family history and role-defining variations, starting with the original milled receiver AK47 an going through to the coming of age in the AK12. To augment the suite, a selection of optical and muzzle attachments are at your disposal. This is not an exhaustive pack, but it should cover enough roles and variants to suit most needs from a practical standpoint.
Pack Contents
- 16 AK rifles in the two primary AK platform calibers- 5.45mmx39 and 7.62mmx39
- 4 Warsaw-pact Dovetail Optics
- 2 dedicated AK-platform sound suppressors.
- 5 optic variations, including two full-length picatinny rail options and Hensoldt integrated optics
- dedicated GP-25/30 Rifle Grenades
Related Info
Community Base Addons for Arma 3
- Re-integrated closure noises to gunshots
- Implemented GripsSwitch functionality – All correct weapons accept and function with respective Gripswitch Functionality
- Implemented ACE Advanced Ballistics ACE_railHeightAboveBore on weapons
- CBA Scripted Optics implemented on 2D Optic Attachments:
- PSO-1(HLC_Optic_PSO1)
- 1p29 (HLC_Optic_1p29)
- Unified and Standardised Optic weights in mass value (Weight divided by the mass coef equals ACE-approved kilograms)
- Implemented ACE Advanced Ballistics HeightAboveRail values on all optics.
- Added Rail Covers
- Implemented New Gunshot soundshaders (Credit:LordJarhead)
- all ContextProne changed to use NIA_handsWeapon_context_Toadie (reduces Context prone clipping)
- Unified and Standardised all mass values (Weight divided by the mass coef equals ACE-approved kilograms)
- IconOverlays in the Gear menu Disabled on all weapons.
- Changed the Supply Crate to a labelled NIArms Branded Variant
- AI Firemodes cleaned up, more functional, less lines.
- RVMAT Reflectivity method improved – now uses map-defined EnvMap.
- Implemented XML Stringtables
- Japanese Language String Translation (Credit: ClassicArma)
- French Language String Translation (Credit: StalkerSoC)
- Implemented MagzineWells, Compatible with JAM
- Implemented RHS Grip support to SLR107U and AK12 weapons
- Implemented Magazine Proxies- works on all AKs
- Implemented Charms
- Soundshader Volume Relevelling
- New AK47 Sounds by Navaro – Trying out a sample set that’s sort of more “Squad-Like”
- Weapon inventory icons now use New system
- All magazines displaynames reformatted
- Weapons use new Muzzleflashes.
- Saiga mags round count now 8
- Fixes #92 – meshes, classes and muzzles all now correlate in a functioning weapon when using RPK mags
- Fixed issue surround the AKS74gl.p3d(MTK) telemogrifying into an AEK
- Corrections to magswitch-only weapon classes and incorrect textures on hidden selections, or referring to incorrect weapon classes (AKS74U MTK, AK74M MTK)
- hlc_60Rnd_545x39_t_rpk added to AK box
- Typo correct in hlc_45Rnd_762x39_t_rpk,hlc_30Rnd_762x39_t_ak – Correctly assert’s they’re Barium-Salt Tracers.
- hlc_75Rnd_762x39_m_rpk,hlc_75Rnd_762x39_m_rpk,hlc_75Rnd_762x39_AP_rpk,hlc_45Rnd_762x39_AP_rpk,hlc_30Rnd_762x39_AP_ak use correct icons.
- Implemented weapon/Dex changes based on magazine loaded. Should give approximation of RPK drums being sucky to CQB with.
- hlc_rifle_RPK12 correctly described as a Light Support Weapon not an Infantry Rifle
- Variety of minor animated selection errors.
- Support to magswitch function on all Weapons
- 75rnd Drum mag replaced on all respective meshes (AK47,AKM, RK62,RPK,SLR107)
- Soundshader/Soundset changes:
- Occlusion and Obstruction issues fixed (Gunshots no longer occluded by an A4 sheet held to face)
- Midrange Gunshots tweaked
- Tail volumes improved
- Minor sound volume tweaks across the board
- New reload animations implemented.
- General AI Behaviour improvements.
- Fix UI for 2rnd burst fire mode (Credit: Robalo)
- Remove redundant code in AK pack, use macros for GP nades (Credit: Robalo)
- Cleaned up Magazine material paths in hlc_wp_ak
- Add weight based dexterity related attributes to AK pack (Credit: Robalo)
- Conformed mod icons,mod.cpp to rebranding
- Soundshaders implemented, minor discretionary sound tweaks
- AK12 series, RPK12 reanimated
- 60Round Coffin-mags added in support of RPK12.
- RPK12 mesh –
+ 60-Round Coffin Mag replacing 45-round RPK74 mag - All AK12 meshes-
+ Offset mounts added, replace under-side mounting of accessories - Added:
hlc_rifle_slr107u_MTK - Arsenal Icons implemented
- Grenade sight accuracy improved(all). Should hit more or less Bang on for respective zeroings.
- Implemented Animated zeroing.
- Removed duplicate inventory slots. Adheres the CBA/ASDG standard almost entirely.
- Optional RHS and CUP compatibility patches updated to reflect most current versions respectively
- Assorted Material adjustments.
- magazineReloadSwitchPhase added to AK base class
- made Supplybox “Zeus Discoverable”
- Added Zeus spawnable individual weapons.
- adjustment to the gunshot tails volume, should be less overt.
- ShadowLOD mesh optimisations (all)
- Kobra Reticle enlarged.
- Corrected DetailTexture layer in rpk74.rvmat. No longer fresnelGlass(). Don’t ask.
- ADS camerapoint shifted back on most weapons.
- Additional worn AK74 added (textures- Bull5hit). classname hlc_rifle_ak74dirty2
– RHS Compatibility
– ACE3 Compatibility (HuntIR rounds specifically)
– CUP Compatibility
(RHS and CUP Compat may or may not work together,depending on your mod setup. Source provided if you wish to build your own)
- All weapons made compatible with V1.42 engine update (deploy pivot points added, make limited use of new “tails” sound system where possible)
- Added RPK74N
- Bipod functionality enabled – RPK,RPK12,RPK74N
- UIicon element changed- RPK,RPK74N,RPK12
- enabled asdg_OpticSideMount {}; on all applicable weapons
- added “clean” AEK971S texture. Older texture duplicated to hlc_rifle_aek971worn
- Slight tweaks to all AK proxy positions- If used with RHS compatibility patch, should be able to use BUIS modes
- All AKs on the “short” AK reload retimed for new character animation
- Slight buff to all 5.45 AK magazine ballistics
- AKS74U and AKU12 now have a muzzle velocity coeffeicient (as made possible with the Arma3 1.40 patch), should reach slightly lower velocities than standard AKs using same mags.
- Added “side” proxy to all weapons over barrel areas for future Barrel-clamp flashlights.
- Added AK12+GP30 Rifle (does not accept side-munt attachments (flashlights, LAMs)
- Changed magazine on RPK12 to RPK74 Bakelite (Visual LOD change only)
- Added support to Bipod support for AGM
- Added Bipod Support for CSE
- Added support for Advanced Ballistics mod (by, and with values provided by, Ruthberg, BIG thanks to you for that, mate)
- Altered Inheritance of suppressors.
- Hitboxes and related GeometryLOD materials updated on all weapons
- Adjusted Mass and inertia values- all weapons should now be closer to their approximate real-life weights.
- Slight material adjustments
- Ambient Specular issues on AKS74 fixed
- AKS74U Specular,Gloss and Diffuse Inverse Altered, should look better
- AK12 Specular,Gloss and Diffuse Inverse Altered, should look better
- Added – AKU12 , RPK12 (hlc_rifle_aku12, hlc_rifle_rpk12)repectively
- modified proxies on AK12 family- All AK12s now should accept sidemount accessories (lasers, flashlights, etc)
- Fixed LOD-handling Glitch on optics (PSO1, 1p29,Kobra,Goshawk)
- added “showToPlayer = 0;” to AI fire mode in RPK
- PBS1/PBS4 no longer dampen Ballistic arc, velocity, or damage
- Added: hlc_30Rnd_545x39_S_AK (5.45x39mm Subsonic Magazine, low velocity)
- Added: hlc_rifle_ak74_dirty (Worn AK74)
- Specular values on most RVMATs lowered slightly
- Small Smoothing tweak on AK47
- All AK weapons now slightly less accurate in the hands of AI
- RPK now classified as MG
- AI will now fire the RPK more like an MG ( fire in bursts at distance)
- Corrected all weapons to conform to CfgWeapon changes made in the v1.24 Arma3 patch
- Appended CfgPatches. All weapons,magazines and attachments should be visible in Zeus.
- Saiga12 Buckshot reverted to custom 12-gauge pellets found in HLCCore. BI’s Buckshot was LITERALLY explosive.
Download as Mod – Arma 3
Contributing Authors
Bohemia Interactive – Arma2 Sample resources(Meshes, RVMATs, Textures to the PSO1, PBS4,Goshawk and GP25).
MrRifleman– AKM,AK74 and AKS74 Meshes. AK74,AKS74 Textures, RPK12 Coffin Mag mesh and textures
Bull5hit – AKM Texture, Work AK74 texture
Milennia – AKS74U Mesh and Textures,AEK971 Textures, Worn AK74 Texture
Maibatsu – AK12 Mesh and Textures
Booly – RPK Mesh and Textures
Twinke Masta/Johan Santana – AK47 Mesh
Marcius – AK47 Textures
Tigg – GP30,Kobra Mesh and Textures, AK74M Furniture Mesh and Textures
Jason9Jason – PBS1 Suppressor mesh and textures.
Toadie– SLR107U Mesh and Textures, Scripts, Sound Mixing, Material Ports, Animation, Optic view meshes (except Goshawk)
Arby26 – AEK971 Mesh and Bake
RedRogueXIII – MTK-83 Rail Mount Mesh and Textures