The Steyr AUG is the posterchild for modern small-arms design in almost every facet, and was decades ahead of it’s time. Not content with providing a marely adequate superior to the Austrian Army’s then-current license-built FAL clone, Horst Wesp, Karl Moser and Karl Wagner set about creating something truly unique. They did so by upheaving conventional wisdoms, taking advantage of space age polymers, new production methods, designed modularity, revolutionary bullpup configuration, unique Spz-kr trigger, and perhaps most functionally interesting, making a magnified optics a mandtory component of the weapon.
The end product looks every bit as space age now nearly 40 years later as it did then- sweeping ergonomic lines are a core part of it’s visual execution. As mentioned, the AUG was designed as a full weapons platform out of the box- every Rifle could be converted in seconds from it’s standard form to more specific roles, like the 9mm “Para” SMG, or the Heavy Barrel support variant.
This pack of AUGs contains the 3 major iterations of the AUG design (the A1, A2 and A3), as well as the civilian Semi-Auto-only Special Reciever. With the exception of the A3, each of these comes in 3 barrel lengths firing 5.56x45mm NATO , and the A1 and A2 are also available in 9x19mm. all of these AUGs are available in three colours. Due to the Quad-rail Foregrip, the A3 is only available in it’s rifle length. However, it also has a GL-equipped model.
Oh yes, and you can swap between different lengths of barrel from the action menu (or if you use AGM- self-interact). So,yes. Yes you can carry the standard rifle and a conversion kit,then with mere seconds delay go straight into running your AUG as an SMG. (Special credit to Kerc Kasha, who made this possible)
Pack Contents
- 3 primary iterations of the AUG receiver
- 3 barrel lengths of each reciever, plus caliber-converted SMG
- 3 Colour stock bodies for each permutation.
- Interchangeable caliber and barrels on A1 and A2 rifles respectively.
Related Info
Community Base Addons for Arma 3
- Re-integrated closure noises to gunshots
- Implemented GripsSwitch functionality – All correct weapons accept and function with respective Gripswitch Functionality
- Implemented ACE Advanced Ballistics ACE_railHeightAboveBore on weapons
- Added Rail Covers
- Implemented New Gunshot soundshaders (Credit:LordJarhead)
- all ContextProne changed to use NIA_handsWeapon_context_Toadie (reduces Context prone clipping)
- Unified and Standardised all mass values (Weight divided by the mass coef equals ACE-approved kilograms)
- IconOverlays in the Gear menu Disabled on all weapons.
- Changed the Supply Crate to a labelled NIArms Branded Variant
- AI Firemodes cleaned up, more functional, less lines.
- RVMAT Reflectivity method improved – now uses map-defined EnvMap.
- CBA Scripted Optics implemented on all A1 Variant Sights.
- Controversially reversing my stance on the progressive trigger- Semi-Auto mode added to all AUGs
- Implemented XML Stringtables
- Japanese Language String Translation (Credit: ClassicArma)
- French Language String Translation (Credit: StalkerSoC)
- Implemented MagzineWells, Compatible with JAM
- Replaced M203 and Quadrant sight on AUG A3 with M203-2003 and NICO ladder sight.
- Implemented RHS Grip support to AUGA3
- Implemented Magazine Proxies- works on all AUGs.
- New Muzzle Flash for AUG A3
- Replaced Docter RDS sight on all A2/SR model AUGs
- New sound effects (Credit: Navarro)
- Fixed Magazine Icons
- Soundshader Volume Relevelling
- New sound Samples by Navarro
- Weapons use new Muzzleflashes.
- All magazines displaynames reformatted
- Weapon inventory icons now use New system
- all mass values recalculated to unified standard.
- new AUGA3 reload animation
- Corrected scope error regarding hlc_muzzle_snds_AUG
- Soundshader/Soundset changes:
- Occlusion and Obstruction issues fixed (Gunshots no longer occluded by an A4 sheet held to face)
- Midrange Gunshots tweaked
- Tail volumes improved
- Minor sound volume tweaks across the board
- General AI Behaviour improvements.
- Clean up and improve AI usage for AUG pack (Credit: Robalo)
- Updated to use macros
- Adjustments to Dexterity
- Added GL reload animations to hlc_rifle_auga3_GL (and variants)
- Corrected GL sight animation hlc_rifle_auga3_GL and adjusted eye memory points (solved #13)
- Conformed mod icons,mod.cpp to rebranding
- Soundshaders implemented, minor discretionary sound tweaks
- Arsenal Icons implemented
- Removed duplicate inventory slots. Adheres the CBA/ASDG standard almost entirely.
- Optional RHS and CUP compatibility patches updated to reflect most current versions respectively
- General Material changes. RVMAT Fresnels altered for better effect, less dependency on generic maps.
- magazineReloadSwitchPhase added to AUG base class
- made Supplybox “Zeus Discoverable”
- Added Zeus spawnable individual weapons.
- adjustment to the gunshot tails volume, should be less overt.
- ShadowLOD mesh optimisations (all)
- Added Parrallax lense blurs to AUGA1 sights.
- RHS Compatibility
- ACE3 Compatibility (HuntIR rounds specifically)
- CUP Compatibility
- (RHS and CUP Compat may or may not work together,depending on your mod setup. Source provided if you wish to build your own)
- * AUGA3+GL no longer can mount Bipods.
- Added ACE3 Ballistic Data(Credit- Ruthberg)
- Added Unique Meshes to magazines
- All weapons made compatible with V1.42 engine update (deploy pivot points added, make limited use of new “tails” sound system where possible)
- Bipod functionality enabled – All HBAR Variants
- Attachable Bipod support added – AUGA3s
- Red Dot on AUGA2 and SR variants re-zeroed,reduced FOV magnification
Download as Mod – Arma 3
Contributing Authors
Bohema Interactive – M203 Quadrant Sight,M4-2000
Kerc Kasha -Barrel Swap Script
Toadie – AWC Agenda Six
RedRogueXIII – Magpul MVG
TenoYL – Troy BUIS
kaskad, obsolete – Docter Red Dot
Sarv,r0tzbua – Steyr AUGA1
Sproily – Steyr AUG SR/A2 Reciever
Toadie – HBAR,AUG 9mm Barrels, Bipods, Magzines
WangChung,Philibuster – AUGA3
Tigg – M203A1